Birth support, education, and empowerment are the essential tools needed during this experience so that mom and dad are satisfied with the safe and healthy delivery of the baby. Through the use of aromatherapy, music therapy, counter pressure, hydrotherapy, and more, Dee Art Doula provides this support and offers recommendations to assist birthing parents with managing their pain and discomfort throughout labor and birth. Trust that birth is a normal process the same way you trust your heart to beat in your chest. You have the right to choose the type of birth you desire and to be informed about every decision that you make. Your birth is your birth. Not your medical provider.
Spring, TexasPhone number
(832) 262-2208Ready to embark on this beautiful journey of motherhood? Drop us a line, and let's start a conversation about the personalized support and care you deserve. Your unique story is at the heart of what we do, and we can't wait to be a part of your extraordinary experience.